Afterwards, I heard the story of Jonathan Larson, Rent's writer wunexpectedlyectantly the night of the show's firrehearsal rehersal. That night sparked a whirlwind of creative expression in my life that ultimately lead to me pursuing writing and learning not to take things so seriously. Until then, I was a staunch political scientist with a side passion for word-play. I can even remember the moment that changed my life, it was the first time I heard "No day but today". I had wasted a lot of my young life being "good" since I knew only a squeaky clean person could be a politician. I learned from Nixon's "recordings" and Clinton's "non-inhaling", how fickle public opinion could be(Thankfully that was well before Monica-gate). Before that play, I believed youth was immortality but I walked out of that theatre a different person...a RENT-HEAD. I was no longer willing to ignore my adventourous streak, or waste time in mundane social mazes.....I was reborn (and I may still get be president one day).
I saw that phenomenal original cast three times and crossed paths with the cast a fourth time when they performed at the Democratic National Convention that August in Chicago. That time I got to meet the rent kids and get autographs (unfortunately, I lost them before I got back to D.C.). In my view, Rent is single-handedly responsible for the revival of American theatre and for that we all owe a debt to Mr. Larson. I'm so happy the play was able to come full circle and become a theatrical release as well. I polled my friends (after all I am a political scientist) and not one of them can name anything they've loved for as long as I've loved Rent. I've never been much of a gushing fan, my way has always been quiet reflection but after ten years I felt it was finally time I came out of the Rent closet. Whew, now that wasn't so bad.....
Thank you Johnathan Larson for the masterpiece that is RENT!
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